Applications for Christmas/New Year Parenting Orders Cut Off Date


Written by Callum Lee

Whilst the Christmas/New Year period is often said to be the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be one of the most difficult for recently separated families navigating their first festive season post-separation. 

It is important parents know what arrangements are in place for their children over the Christmas and school holiday period.

If you or your partner are unsure about arrangements for the Christmas/New Year period, now is a good time to review any Orders or Parenting Plan you have in place and make sure you understand when your children will spend time with each of you and what needs to happen to ensure this occurs.

If you are unsure or cannot agree about arrangements for the Christmas/New Year period, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia requires any Application for parenting orders to be filed by no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, 10 November 2023 so that any dispute can be dealt with by the Court prior to the Christmas closure. 

If you or someone you know needs some assistance in making arrangements for the Christmas/New Year period, please contact our office immediately so we can assist you prior to the cut off date.


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